Sunday, November 7, 2010

Packing up

Today was a happy day tinged with a little sadness.
Today had already been decided as the day that I would winterize FG but the day was so beautiful (60F in November in Minnesota, you can't knock that) that I just had to take FG for a run. It was only a 20 mile jaunt on country roads around town but it was great. It was nice to be able to drive the car for an extended period of time rather than the five minutes of my test drive. Everything seems OK. I reckon I smelled a little burning oil for a few minutes. But oil pressure was constant and the engine temp never wavered above Normal.
With the trip over, it was time to go home and prepare the car for storage. I'd done quite a bit of research online about winterizing and one thing was clear ask 10 owners what they do to winterize and you get 10 different answers. So I picked out the aspects that were similar. They were:
1. Stabilizer in the fuel. I topped the tank up to 3/4 full and followed the instructions on the bottle of Sta-bil.
2. Remove the battery.
3. Put the car on dollies to stop the tyres flattening.
4. Check the fluids were OK
5. Moth balls in the cockpit and around the dollies to keep critters away.
If anyone wants to add to this. I'm all ears.
Here are some pictures showing the pack up.
Above: Up on the dollies and check to see if it fits where I wanted it to. It does
Above: Covered over
Above: Yes, you can fit three cars in a two car garage...

Now I have to wait until April.

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