Tuesday, November 2, 2010

That "new baby" thing

You know what its like when you're at work and one of your female colleagues comes in from maternity leave to show off her new addition to the family. Something that invariably wails and screams and disturbs your concentration...
I've often wondered why if a woman can bring a noisy child into work to show off then why can't a guy bring his new car into work and rev it up on the production floor? Fairs fair in these days of sexual equality...
So, being unable to take the car into work physically I showed off a selection of pictures on my iPad. Naturally the reaction was very very favourable and made me feel pretty darned good. The car was erroneously recognised as a Jag by one person with just one person recognising it as an MGB. She'd been offered the chance to drive one as a teenager (must have made an impression then, that's all I can say).
It's really good to be the centre of attention for a while...

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